Regular price $ 29.99
The premium fiber supplement that keeps you clean when it matters most. This proprietary blend of aloe vera, chia, flaxseed, and psyllium is all-natural and 100% vegan-friendly. #STAYREADY
Take 2 to 3 capsules of Pure for Men, twice daily with water. Once fully hydrated, the Chia, Flaxseed, Psyllium and Aloe inside of each capsule swell to form a soft-but-solid mass. The expanded fiber begins to pass safely through your digestive tract, binding to food particles and any waste left along the way. The process is a lot like a soft sponge cleaning up behind your meals, providing an excellent medium to help maintain the flow of elimination and keep your runway “clear for landing”.
Follow these steps to ensure you are prepared for game time:
  1. Take 2 to 3 capsules of Pure for Men twice a day with a glass of water
  2. Take a quick shower before play time and clean out, business as usual.
  3. Enjoy a worry-free experience courtesy of Pure for Men!
Pure for men is the perfect solution for men on the go, providing much needed fiber without the hassle of watching everything you eat. 

*This product can be shipped international; however it is up to the purchaser to ensure this product will clear their local customs and may be required to provided additional documentation based on your local countries laws.